Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

13.01.2007   16:01   +Feedback

The Road To War And Peace

Peace In Our Time?
Resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict would be a wonderful thing. But the reality is that for more than a half century, every American president has attempted to find a magic formula that would bring peace to the tiny territories between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. And every American president has seen his efforts come a cropper.
In the long run, keep hope alive. But at this moment, given the current Palestinian leadership and the support it receives from Tehran, the chance of resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict is as low as it’s ever been.

See also: Mangling cause and effect on PBS.
According to the show, Jews basically caused Anti-Semitism in the Arab-Muslim region around them by first building the tiny modern state of Israel (500 times smaller than that Arab Muslim region), and then actually trying to defend it against a host of Muslim armies and terror groups. As PBS tells it, it isn’t the genocidal proclivities of surrounding Muslim nations that have caused war unending on the Jewish state; it’s the continued existence of the Jewish state that has caused the genocidal proclivities.

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