Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

14.03.2008   00:03   +Feedback

Ho, Ho, Holocaust!

The Palestinian Authority’s Voice of Palestine radio station and Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV station joined the campaign, in which extensive use is made of the “holocaust” supposedly perpetrated by Israel in the Gaza Strip. Such expressions as “the massacre of infants” and “holocaust” have graced not only the screen of Hamas’s TV channel, but also the official TV channel of the Palestinian Authority, which is engaged in peace talks with Israel. The Palestinian and Arab media have made frequent use of the term “holocaust” in various contexts: “the holocaust of Gaza”, “the Israeli holocaust” (as opposed to the “Jewish holocaust”), “the Zionist holocaust”, “the martyrs of the holocaust”, “Israel threatens holocaust against the Palestinians”, “casualties of the holocaust”, “the Palestinians are the victims of the holocaust”, and more. Of particular note is a statement released by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization, threatening Israel with “a holocaust for holocaust”.

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