Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

27.10.2008   22:41   +Feedback

Al Kaida des Nordens

Was den Deutschen die Schweiz und Liechtenstein sind, “parasitäre Kleinstaaten”, das ist den Briten Island. Seit die Briten vor über 30 Jahren den “Kabeljaukrieg” gegen die Isländer verloren haben, warten sie auf die Gelegenheit, es den Nordmännern heimzuzahlen. Jetzt haben sie es geschafft. Island wurde Al Kaida und den Taliban zugeschlagen:

On Wednesday October 8th, the British Government invoked the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act of 2001 against the Icelandic bank Landsbanki, the Central Bank of Iceland and the Government of Iceland in the United Kingdom. This action was in effect directed against the people of Iceland. As a result of this action, Landsbanki was placed on a list of regimes subjected to financial sanctions by the British government, joining Al-Qaida, the Taliban, Belarus, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and 10 other organisations or countries known for political unrest or oppressive dictatorships. Two weeks later, eight hours after we launched our campaign, HM Treasury updated its website, moving Landsbanki into a curious new category of regimes subjected to financial sanctions. These changes to the Treasury website are merely cosmetic. The financial transactions of Icelandic companies are still effectively frozen in the United Kingdom and in most other places of the world, primarily as a result of the actions of Prime Minister Brown and Chancellor Darling.

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