Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

05.12.2006   17:38   +Feedback

Amos Oz: Das Gute, das Böse und die Dummen

In seinem neuen Buch “The Slopes of the Volcano” rechnet Amos Oz mit falschen Israel-Freunden, echten Israel-Feinden und jenen gebildeten Dummköpfen aller Disziplinen ab, die keinen Unterschied zwischen Gut und Böse und für alles, das in der Welt passiert, “die Umstände” verantwortlich machen.

Some social sciences in the modern era are actually a full-scale attempt, the first of its kind, to eliminate both good and evil from the pageant of human existence. For the first time in their long history, both good and evil have been annulled by the idea according to which circumstances are always responsible for our decisions and actions-and they are especially responsible for our sufferings. “Society is to blame for everything.” Or maybe it’s the political establishment. Or Colonialism. Imperialism. Zionism. Globalization. Whatever.

Assaf Sagiv rezensiert das neue Oz-Buch im Magazin “Azure”:

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