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Henryk M. Broder

19.11.2006   20:51   +Feedback

“Die Logik der paranoiden Linken”

Pat Santy aus Ann Arbor/Michigan tritt als Bloggerin unter dem Namen “Dr. Sanity” auf. Zu Recht. Was sie über die Logik der paranoiden Linken schreibt, erklärt viele Verhaltensmuster aus dem Alltag und aus der großen weiten Welt: Die Gescheitern machen immer andere für ihr Scheitern verantwortlich, sie können nichts dafür. Aber wenn man sie nur ließe, wenn sie könnten, wie sie wollten, wäre die Welt in einem besseren Zustand.
Dr. Sanity’s Analyse erklärt auch, warum paranoide Linke sich so gerne mit Terroristen, Selbstmordattentätern und politisch korrekten Killern solidarieren. Auch sie sind für ihr Tun nicht verantwortlich, sie werden dazu getrieben.


The paranoid person always takes himself seriously. It is rarely the case that such a person presents to a psychiatrist seeking help or complaining about their psychological projections, no matter how bizarre or out of touch with reality they may be. Because for the paranoid individual, his paranoia and the accompanying projections explain so much about his life and situation.

   * Is he poor? Someone must have robbed him of what he is entitled to!
   * Is he angry and feel hatred? Then the object of his hatred magically becomes the one who hates…him!
   * Is his genius not recognized? He must have powerful enemies that prevent him from achieving the success he knows should be his.
   * Has he made mistakes in his life? Someone has tricked him into acting a certain way.

The above mental gymnastics allow the paranoid person to external blame and avoid responsibility for his situation in life, as well as his own feelings. It is always someone else’s fault and not his. It is always someone else who has the objectional feelings, and he is always the victim of it.

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