Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

21.12.2006   22:34   +Feedback

Jimmy pays back

Jimmy Carter sagt:
“Mahmoud Abbas, first as prime minister and now as president of the Palestinian National Authority and leader of the PLO, has sought to negotiate with Israel for almost six years, without success. Hamas leaders support such negotiations, promising to accept the results if approved by a Palestinian referendum.”

Der kanadische Ministerpräsident Stephen Harper sagt:
We will not solve the Palestinian-Israeli problem, as difficult as that is, through organizations that advocate violence and advocate wiping
Israel off the face of the Earth. It’s unfortunate because with Hamas, and with Hezbollah in Lebanon, it has made it very difficult to have dialogue—and dialogue is ultimately necessary to have peace in the long term—but we are not going to sit down with people whose objectives are ultimately genocidal. I think all of the civilized world is agreed—and it’s not just Canada—we can’t deal with organizations whose principle and only objective is terrorism and the eradication of the other side.”

Und hier steht, wem Jimmy Carter zu Dank verpflichtet ist und warum:
Especially lucrative have been Carter’s ties to Saudi Arabia. Before his death in 2005, King Fahd was a longtime contributor to the Carter Center and on more than one occasion contributed million-dollar donations. In 1993 alone, the king presented Carter with a gift of $7.6 million. And the king was not the only Saudi royal to commit funds to Carter’s cause. As of 2005, the king’s high-living nephew, Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, has donated at least $5 million to the Carter Center.

Und hier steht, wie der palästinensische Präsident Mahmoud Abbas die Situation beurteilt:
“Gaza is free of occupation, but there are no investors and no prosperity,” Abbas told hundreds of supporters on Saturday. “We dreamed that [Gaza] would prosper and dozens of investors from all over the world came to Gaza. Nothing has come to fruition. We decided it was better to fire rockets. Israel left, said goodbye, and instead of [Gaza] remaining calm and flourishing, there are those that still prefer to fire rockets,” he said, referring to the firing of Kassam rockets into Israel.

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