Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

21.12.2006   21:45   +Feedback

Wo der moralische Relativismus der Guten anfängt und wo er endet

Bruce Thornton über die “Spirale der Gewalt” und die Unfähigkeit zwischen dem Angreifer und dem Angegriffenen zu unterscheiden:

“Of the many bad ideas exploited by the jihadists — the Marxist-inspired demonization of imperialism and colonialism, the sentimental Third-Worldism that idealizes the non-Western “other,” the juvenile romance with revolutionary violence — moral relativism has been the most lethal. The failure to discriminate between the aggressor and the victim — to make a distinction between killing in order to obliterate a people, and killing in order to defend oneself against such an existential threat — has created the notion of the “cycle of violence,” the morally moronic notion that the violence of aggression and the violence of defense are indistinguishable, each a reflex responding mindlessly to the other.”

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Die Achse des Guten