Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

13.02.2007   11:37   +Feedback

Reicher Iran, armer Iran

Revolution macht nicht satt. Und Geld macht nicht glücklich. Es beruhigt nicht einmal.

An excess of problems for Iranian energy
Iran, one of the world’s largest oil exporters, sits on the world’s second largest reserves of oil and one of the largest reserves of natural gas. But it has struggled to keep oil production from falling in recent years.
Each year, it has to find ways to make up for production declines that can range from 200,000 to 500,000 barrels a day, out of a total current output of less than 4 million barrels a day. Moreover, its refining capacity lags far behind its domestic needs, so the country is forced to import 40 percent of its gasoline.

Inflation in Iran has exploded, with the price of commodities like bread and meat rising as much as twenty-five per cent. In the country’s recent municipal elections, Ahmadinejad’s political allies were crushed, and clerics and lawmakers have begun criticizing him in public. Worse still, through the second half of 2006 the price of oil tumbled almost thirty per cent, a disaster for an economy as dependent on oil revenue as Iran’s.

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