Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

28.01.2007   00:30   +Feedback

Daniel Gordis: This Place Called Hope

Daniel Gordis schreibt regelmäßig “Depeschen aus einem ängstlichen Staat”,
über das Leben in Israel, die neue Judenfrage und den alten Judenhass. Hier
die letzte Folge:

The issue, of course, isn’t really Israel, or even Zionism. It’s the Jews. Again. Amos Oz has written with sadness about the irony that when his father was growing up in Europe, he saw signs that said “Jews Go Home to Palestine,” but that when he, Amos, was growing up in Palestine, the signs said “Jews out of Palestine.” Oz, one of Israel’s best known left-wing intellectuals, summarizes the unavoidable point. “Don’t be here. Don’t be there. In short, don’t be.”

The whole story:

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