Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

23.07.2007   19:38   +Feedback

Welcome to the Islamic Republic of Iran! Get stoned!

A top Iranian official Sunday defended the use of execution by stoning after a sentence was carried out on an adulterer, saying the punishment was legal and in line with Iran’s rights commitments.
Mohammad Javad Larijani, the head of the Iranian judiciary’s human rights committee, said the judiciary supported the principle of stoning after confirmation last week of the stoning sparked international condemnation.
“Stoning is based on Islamic Sharia law and it is not contrary to any of our international obligations,” Larijani was quoted as saying by state television’s Web site.
“We have signed four important treaties on human rights. None of them has any opposition to stoning.

The YouTube version of stoning is mercifully brief. Iranian human rights activist Dr. Manouchehr Ganji sat down with me a few years ago and showed me the full Monty, and it’s not a pretty sight. You see, the rocks have to be just the right size: not too large, so they won’t kill the victim outright, and not too small, as to be harmless.

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