Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

11.08.2007   00:27   +Feedback

The Voice of Civil Society

Ghaddafi junior über die Politik der Erpressung - wie Libyen seine Schulden los wird und noch einen Gewinn dabei macht

Can we put a dollar figure on the package?
We are talking not less than €300 million for the hospital in Benghazi. For the families it’s about another €400 million, something like this. And the Bulgarians and Slovakia and other European countries wrote off their debt with Libya. And then they gave again more.

What do you say to people who say this was blackmail and it worked?
Blackmail? Maybe. It is blackmail, but the Europeans also blackmailed us. Yeah, it’s an immoral game, but they set the rules of the game, the Europeans, and now they are paying the price ... Everyone tries to play with this card to advance his own interest back home.
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