Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

05.08.2007   16:10   +Feedback

Ein beschwiegener Mord

Ein schwarzer Journalist, eine obskure islamische Sekte, ein Mord und ein junger Mann, der die Tat gestanden hat. Die Geschichte erinnert an die Ermordung Theo van Goghs im November 2oo4 in Amsterdam. Amerika ist geschockt, in deutschen Medien wird der Mord beschwiegen. 

For Chauncey Bailey, one of the most respected black journalists in America, last Thursday morning’s trip to work should have been like any other. The editor of the Oakland Post was strolling down the pavement in Oakland, a mostly black city next to San Francisco. It was 7.30am and Bailey, 57, lived just a few blocks away.
Suddenly, a man dressed in black and wearing a mask appeared. Shots rang out and Bailey collapsed from three bullet wounds. He was dead before an ambulance arrived; the apparent victim of an assassination… The reason that Bailey was killed appears to lie with the secretive and shadowy black Muslim sect in Oakland that Bailey was investigating. A day after he died, a series of dramatic police raids unfolded across the city, aimed at a group of Islamists centred on a business called Your Black Muslim Bakery.,,2141841,00.html

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