Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

02.08.2007   21:54   +Feedback

From Gaza with Love

Wenn Gruppen oder Individuen, die kein anderes Ziel haben, als zu kämpfen und zu töten, weil es ihnen Spaß macht, zu kämpfen und zu töten, einen Sieg errungen haben, fallen sie zuerst in eine Euphorie,  dann in eine Depression - und dann geht es wieder von vorne los. Die PLO ist vertrieben, Gaza befreit. Was soll die arme Hamas nun anderes machen, als nach neuen Feinden Ausschau zu halten? Die Müllabfuhr organisieren? Benefizkonzerte und Burka-Modenschauen veranstalten? Die Bevölkerung in Gaza wird von internationalen Hilfsorganisationen versorgt, Israel liefert weiter Benzin, Strom und bringt gestrandete Flüchtlinge zurück - und die Hamas kämpft.
Tom Gross berichtet:


In June it was Hamas vs. Fatah.

Now it is Hamas and Islamic Jihad who are beginning a bloody round of clashes in the Gaza Strip. Yet this news is barely being reported in the western media (if Israel isn’t to blame, they are not interested), and we haven’t heard even a murmur of condemnation from all the various self-styled Palestinian “solidarity groups” dotted around Europe, but the Arab media is following events with interest.

For example, Al Bawaba reports:

“Two Palestinians died today in Gaza City as Hamas and Islamic Jihad continued their violent clashes over the right to fire weapons in public.

“Islamic Jihad said its men were ambushed early Thursday by Hamas activists, dragged out of a mosque and shot in the legs. Another man, Nidal al-Daya, was shot in the head, Islamic Jihad said.

“A bystander, Salah al-Amoudi, who happens to be a Fatah official, was shot dead by masked gunmen shortly after as he was making his way home from the mosque, witnesses and hospital officials said.

“... The clashes started Tuesday night, when Islamic Jihad gunmen fired in the air in celebration during a wedding. On Wednesday, Hamas’ Executive Forces fired a rocket at a house in Gaza City and traded fire with Islamic Jihad gunmen inside, wounding 10 people. One Hamas man later died of his wounds.”

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