Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

12.10.2007   00:06   +Feedback

Benjamin Weinthal: The ‘Iran Lobby’ Wins Over Germany

The prominent Austrian weekly Profil headlined its cover story: “Why is Israel so powerful?” Journalist Robert Misik parroted the standard leftist rhetoric in the article, namely, American Jewish organizations are waging a worldwide campaign to silence dissent on Israel. He is uninterested in combating anti-Semitism in Austria, where more than half the population believes Jews exert too much influence on world events. The recent $22 billion deal between Iran and the Austrian oil and gas company OMV is also not on Misik’s radar screen.

Germany is the No. 1 trade partner of Iran within the European Union. Lufthansa planes are packed with business representatives from Volkswagen, Mercedes, Siemens, Hermés and Dillinger Steel, to name only a few of the 12,000 German firms, who are involved in an opulent trade relationship with a reactionary regime capable of utilizing German technology to advance their nuclear program.

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