Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

11.10.2007   17:09   +Feedback

Mark Kirk: Gerechtigkeit für die Baha’i

There is a little-told story from Iran—a story we thought would forever stay buried in the darkness of 1930s Europe. This story is about a religion founded in Iran in the mid-1800s that has become Iran’s largest religious minority with over 250,000 members.
As the representative in Congress for the Baha’i Temple of North America, I know the Baha’i faith well—a faith of tolerance and diversity of thought. These are values we embrace on the North Shore. But in an oppressive Islamic dictatorship like Iran, Baha’is pose a clear and present danger to the regime.,CST-EDT-REF30.article

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