Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

07.10.2007   10:49   +Feedback

Die spinnen, die Türken!

Look in just about any bookstore in Turkey, and you’ll see some of the strangest bestsellers imaginable. The cover of “The Children of Moses,” the first and most popular book in a series of four, shows the country’s devoutly Muslim prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in the middle of a six-pointed Star of David. Inside, you’ll find a head-spinningly weird argument: that Erdogan and his conservative allies in Turkey’s ruling pro-Islamic party are actually crypto-Jews with secret wicked ties to the conspiratorial forces of “global Zionism.”

Siehe auch:
The passage of a resolution in the US Congress supporting Armenian claims of genocide at the hands of the late Ottoman Empire will irreparably damage the image of the United States and make the Jewish population a target of criticism in Turkey, Foreign Minister and Chief EU Negotiator Ali Babacan has said.

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