Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

25.09.2007   19:11   +Feedback

Jacob Laksin: Der Maniak von der Upper West Side

He knows how to make the most of an occasion. Surrounded by running cameras and a rapt audience, Ahmadinejad delivered a memorably opposite-world rendition of Iran’s political activities. Typical in its sinister absurdity was his lofty judgment that in “a university environment we must allow people to make up their own mind.” Coming from the head of a regime that has launched vicious crackdowns on universities, students, human-rights activists and political dissidents, the statement might almost be amusing, were it not tragic. Ahmadinejad seemed all too aware of the fact, and throughout his remarks he wore a sly grin that seemed to say, “Can you believe I’m getting away with this?”

Und das kommt dabei heraus, wenn man einem Maniak eine Bühne gibt. So berichtet die staatliche iranische Presseagentur über Ahmadinejads Auftritt an der Columbia-University. Alles wie erwartet:

Und auch das war absehbar. Das sind nicht die “jüdischen Stimmen für einen gerechten Frieden”, das sind “Juden, keine Zionisten”, die sich mit ihrem Paten treffen.

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