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Henryk M. Broder

13.10.2007   17:19   +Feedback

Amir Taheri: Teherans nützliche Idioten

Mahmoud Ahmadeinejad (Iran) und Hugo Chavez (Venezuela) wollen eine progressive Front aufbauen, zusammen mit bewährten Revolutionären aus Nicaragua und Bolivien. Auf einer Konferenz in Teheran wurden die Pläne für einen “globalen Jihad” bekannt gegeben. Dabei ging es ziemlich drunter und drüber zu. Amir Taheri war dabei.

The Khomeinists were pleased to hear their European and Latin American guests denounce “America’s criminal plans to attack the Islamic revolution,” and insist that Iran had every right to develop its nuclear capabilities. The aging Guevaristas were equally pleased as their hosts praised the dead T-shirt poster boy as “a fighter for universal justice.”

Mahdi Chamran claimed that Ahmadinejad, Chavez and “the leaders of the revolution in Nicaragua and Bolivia” belong to the same family of “strugglers for universal justice.” Another Khomeinist speaker, Mortaza Firuzabadi, invited all anti-American forces to accept the leadership of Ahmadinejad’s revolutionary regime. “Our aim is to free the downtrodden humanity and restore the violated rights of all nations,” he said. “In this global jihad, we recognize no frontiers.”

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