Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

05.11.2007   23:32   +Feedback

Mord an einer Minderheit

Wenn man etwas nicht sein sollte, dann eine Frau in Pakistan, ein Esel in Ägypten und ein Baha’i im Iran. Weil die Baha’i aber weder von den Amis noch von den Zionisten verfolgt werden, können die Mullahs machen, was sie wollen:

The Iranian government is currently intensifying its persecution of its largest religious minority, the Baha’is… The regime has always persecuted the Baha’is, of whom 300,000 (out of some 5 million worldwide) still live in Iran. The Baha’i religion was founded in Iran in the mid-1800s, and the regime demonizes its adherents as heretics or apostates from Islam, who therefore should have no legal status or protection and who should be eradicated. However, its program in the 1980s of murder and imprisonment drew too much international attention and condemnation. So the government decided to pursue a strategy of slow strangulation.

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