Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

12.12.2007   09:21   +Feedback

Just another forgotten peace summit

Not surprisingly, the public believes almost unanimously that both the Israeli government and the people genuinely want peace with the Palestinians. Surprisingly, today there is also a majority, albeit a small one, that thinks the Palestinian Authority genuinely wants the same, while views regarding the Palestinian people are divided, with a very slight advantage for those leaning to the positive side. Moreover, a considerable majority of the Jewish public sees the Palestinians’ demand for an independent state as just, and thinks Israel can agree to the establishment of such a state.
The source of the Jewish public’s skepticism - and even pessimism - is apparently the widespread belief that a peace agreement based on the “two states for two peoples” formula would not lead the Palestinians to end their conflict with Israel. This distrust of the Palestinians’ intentions is also evident in the Jewish public’s clear, ongoing preference for a closed border without free passage, even if the two-state solution were to be implemented.

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