Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

09.12.2007   09:59   +Feedback

What to Do in Riyadh

Sie waren schon überall? In Albanien, Nordkorea, Kuba? Auf Tuvalu, im Beka’a-Tal und in Gaza? Versuchen Sie es mal mit einem richtigen Abenteuerurlaub - in Saudi-Arabien. Max Boot war schon da:

While aware of this gender apartheid before visiting the kingdom, we had failed to appreciate how pervasive it is. Just as in apartheid South Africa and Jim Crow America there were separate entrances for whites and blacks, so in many Saudi buildings there are separate entrances for men and women. The public library has men’s and women’s sections. So did a Starbucks near our hotel.

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