Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

14.01.2008   05:00   +Feedback

Not so good news from Gaza!

Am 13. Januar 2oo8 meldete das Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) folgendes unter der Überschrift: “Security Chaos Continues in the Gaza Strip”:

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) has documented several incidents of security chaos in the Gaza Strip over the past forty eight hours. These include a raid on the American School in Gaza , the killing of a naval police officer by unknown persons, the injury of 3 members of the Izzedeen El-Qassam Battalions in a training accident, the injury of 2 policemen by the explosive device planted by unknown persons, and the death of one man in an armed clash between rival clans. 
At approximately 22:00 on Friday, 11 January, two policemen were moderately injured by a roadside bomb planted near the police headquarters in the central Gaza Strip. Meflih Abu Hujayer (20), and Mohammad Hammou (21) both sustained shrapnel wounds, and were transferred to the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital for treatment.
According to investigations carried out by PCHR, at approximately 02:00 on Saturday, 12 January, several masked gunmen broke into the American School in northern Gaza City . They detained the school security guard and stole computers and other equipment from the school. Before leaving, they set fire to 5 buses and a car belonging to the school. The American school had also been attacked 3 days earlier, on January 9th, when unidentified gunmen fired a rocket-propelled grenade at the school, causing substantial damage.
At approximately 08:30 on Saturday, 12 January, the body of Sha’ban Salem Dughmush (39) from Sabra neighborhood in Gaza City was found in the Juhr El-Deek area of the central Gaza Strip. Dughmush worked in the Naval Police Department of the Government in Gaza . Medical sources stated he was killed by a gunshot to the head. Police spokesman, Islam Shehwan, stated that the police have opened an investigation into his death. 
At approximately 09:00 on the same morning, three members of Izzedeen El-Qassam Battalions, the armed wing of Hamas, were injured by shrapnel, following the explosion of a projectile during training in land previously occupied by the Israeli Nitzarim settlement, south of Gaza City . The three men sustained moderate injuries, and were transferred to Shifa Hospital in Gaza city.
In the early morning hours of Saturday, 12 January, Sami Salman El-Rawgh (33) was shot dead during an armed clash between El-Rawagh and Abu Harb clans in a Bedouin village in the northern Gaza Strip. He was pronounced dead upon arrival at Kamal Odwan Hospital in Beit Lahia.
PCHR is extremely concerned about the continual death toll in Gaza due to the misuse of weapons. The Centre reiterates its call to the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), represented by the Attorney-General, to seriously investigate these crimes and to prosecute the perpetrators.

Irgendwie kam uns die Meldung “Security Chaos Continues in the Gaza Strip” bekannt vor. Also schauten wir nach und fanden folgendes:

Security and Weapon Chaos Continues in the Gaza Strip, Israel & Palestijnen Nieuws Blog, 25. November 2oo7:

Government in Chaos, NYTimes, 15. Juni 2007

Security Chaos and Misuse of Weapons, Field Update 2006:

Chaos continues in the Gaza Strip, BBC News, 13. September 2oo5:

So, where is the news?



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