Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

26.02.2008   22:12   +Feedback

Al Jazeera gratuliert Israel zum 6o. Geburtstag

Despite many attempts by so-called moderate Arab governments with ties to Tel Aviv to gently introduce Israel to their masses, Arabs overwhelmingly hate the Jewish state. It is not just a matter of political disagreement, or a temporary feeling associated with the progression of one political solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict to another. It is simply an existential rejection of the Zionist entity as a whole. The Arabs have always found the idea of a colonialist entity, empowered by the west and enforced on the Arab world, as a particularly bitter pill to swallow. But Israel is ironically the object of secret envy even among its Arab enemies. It is a well-to-do and vibrant society. In addition to prosperity brought about by an outpouring of aid from Western countries, the founding fathers of Israel emphasised the role of scientific and technological advancement. It has also turned its land into a real democracy - for the Jews - and built an egalitarian society that for its Jewish population is considered a paradise.

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