Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

26.02.2008   08:44   +Feedback

Obama Goes Hollywood

Obama is indeed the closest thing to a real star, the kind produced by Hollywood. He looks great, uses short and catchy sentences, sweeps the crowd with his humor, hugs babies warmly, and speaks to youngsters straight from the heart. There is just one thing missing there: Substance. The last time we saw so many explosions, money, and commotion without an actual message was here in Hollywood, in summer blockbusters. It is no wonder then that dozens of senior Tinseltown figures flock to the candidate who, just like them, sells illusions. The list, which grows longer every day, features names such as Jennifer Aniston, Susan Sarandon, Oprah Winfrey, Halle Barry, Steven Spielberg, David Gefen, Tyra Banks, and many more.,7340,L-3510875,00.html

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