Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

02.03.2008   17:32   +Feedback

Understanding the Palestinians

The case can easily be made that Israeli disillusionment with the Palestinians is precisely the result of the fact that we’re far better informed than most distant observers when it comes to what is going through the minds of the Palestinians: because we’re nearby, because many Israelis understand Arabic and hear what the Palestinians talk about directly and unfiltered - and because our media tells us far more than the media anywhere else. On Israeli television, for example, we are regularly shown normal Palestinians telling our (Israeli-Arab) journalists what they think, in Arabic, on prime time news reports.

Bodycount in Gaza

Der Ort, in dem die Angst regiert,1518,538838,00.html

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