Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

30.03.2008   10:12   +Feedback

So sexy war die DDR

The East German army, which at the time was one of the most feared in the Warsaw Pact, ran a 160-man film unit which had a secret amateur circle of 12 porn enthusiasts.
One scene depicted a male worker in a medical consulting room waiting to be seen by a female doctor. She enters and orders the man to strip to the waist. “But I am your mechanic!” insists the male worker. The doctor immediately unbuttons her white coat and offers the worker instant sex because she is so grateful to have found somebody to repair her car in a country almost devoid of mechanics.
The secret clips included “Carry On” film-style shots of a female army private in a helmet exposing herself on a parade ground to the command “Breasts Out !” The scenes are in marked contrast to the atmosphere of public prudery that prevailed in East Germany before the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Siehe auch: So witzig war die Stasi - IM Gregor;art15532,2502813

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