Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

25.03.2008   08:51   +Feedback

Gilad Sharon: It’s The Hatred, Stupid! (2)

Many people around the world, including some Israelis, believe that the moment the conflict between us and the Palestinians would be resolved, the reason for the Arab and Muslim world’s hostility towards us will disappear. Peace will prevail among Israel and all Arab states, tensions between Islam and the West will fade, and the terror threat against Western nations will be lifted.
This conviction is naïve and false – the Palestinian issue is the pretext; a means used to slam Israel. It is not the problem.
The Arab world never reconciled itself to our existence as a Jewish state in the Mideastern space. The only Arab maps where the State of Israel appears are military maps. When it comes to the maps used in geography classes at schools, we do not exist.,7340,L-3522443,00.html

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