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Henryk M. Broder

25.06.2008   19:33   +Feedback

Frustrated Arab’s Diary oder: Hamas von unten

Gut möglich, dass Sie den Namen Raja Chemayel noch nie gehört haben. Er sieht ein wenig wie Omar Sharif aus und beschreibt sich so: “An Arab-Lebanese, a Christian by birth, a muslim by culture and a democrat by nature” Außerdem ist er ein Dichter. Vor zwei Jahren veröffentlichte er einen “Offenen Brief an den nächsten Selbstmordbomber”, dem er den Rat gab, Arik Sharon zu besuchen:

Open Letter to the next Suicide-Bomber

Dear Abou el Fidda’ ,

If you are next Martyr on the waiting list

get started and pack your heavy-stuff ,

kiss the hand of your mother

kiss goodbye you bothers and sisters

kiss the hand of your father

put on that heavy-jacket…....

Take the Express-Bus to Jerusalem-Central

and then take bus Nr. 17 which takes you to Haddasah

then step out at the Bus-Station called the :

“Hospital for War Criminal”

Show you Fake-Press-Card to the Security

and speak with an American-accent

walk slowly and do not attract attention…...

Enter the main-Hall and walk straight to the VIP- elevator

tell them Mr. Wolf Blitzer has sent you…..!!

Go up to the seventh floor….....

look for the room 714…..... (intensive care)

and then slowly but surely hold on to that detonator

under your jacket…....

Once you reach that very-well-guarded-room # 714

stop and turn left…..

you will see a large “VIP-Waiting-Hall”

with the many Dignitaries from many countries

including ,unfortunatly, some Arab-countries…...

who came to pay their respect to their dying-Hero.

Show again your fake-Press-Card and start

interviewing those “well-wishers”.........

and ask them what made this man a Hero ??

and how come he became a “Man of Peace”

Then , order for yourself a cup of coffee,

sit down , rest and think for a while…....

If by then ,

you are still not convinced by the arguments you have heard

from those well wishers…..

then release that detonator !!

This man under intensive care will anyhow die,

with or without your suicide , my brother ,

your real enemies are

those who have called him a “Hero”

and could not convince you why.

( nor me)

Sehr schön ist auch sein Poem über die Hamas, das auf der Homepage des Adelaide Institus erschien, das vor allem damit beschäftigt ist, den Holocaust an den Juden als zionistische Propaganda zu entlarven.

To renounce violence !

The IRA has had to renounce it, the ETA as well,
Nelson Mandela did it….but he got, at least, his country back
the PLO did it , but got nothing in return…..

Now comes Hamas , the democratically elected Hamas
and even before Hamas reaches its throne-ceremony
Western-voices are raised :
” Renounce violence !!!”
“accept and recognise your oppressors”
” renounce your national rights”
” renounce your human rights”
“renounce your own homeland “

which amounts to :
“get yourself castrated first , and then come in my bed “

How often did we hear our friends the pacifists , the humanists,
the anti-war-camp , the anti-militarists….and the what-have-you
all of then converging on us with the advise of “non violence”
or to renounce to the destruction of our robbers,occupiers and oppressors.
While we were always on the receiving end of that same violence…...

Yasser Arafat fell into that trap,
and ended up locked in a cellar for three years, before being finally poisoned.

OK !!
Arafat got himself a terrific and spectacular funeral
but where did his “non violence” lead us to ?
In Amman (1970) Arafat was a Terrorist
in Beirut (1975) he became a revolutionary
in Tunis (1983) he became an exile
in Gaza (1992) he became an opportunist
in Ramalla(2002) , finally , he became simply a hostage

The only time Arafat (and Fateh) achieved any progress,
how little it may were , was in the time when they
have had a gun in their hands…..and have used it…...

Comes Hamas… .....
will they soon ride in the Aircondioned Mercedes of the PA ?
or shall walk on foot that “long march”....and finish it ?!

The Imperial-West has planned and helped the corruption of the PLO
exactly for the purpose of bringing Hamas to what it became today.

Would Hamas repeat the same mistakes as the PLO ?
would it ride the same Aircondioned Mercedes ?
would it castrate itself ?
would we loose yet another decade ?

Raja Chemayel
still remembering when violence ......was not a bad-word !

Raja Chemayel, a Christian for Hamas, schrieb auch einen schönen Nachruf auf Scheich Jassin. Beachten Sie bitte den letzten Absatz:

The Helicopter to Hell and the Wheel Chair to Heaven
by Raja Chemayel
a Christian for Hamas

A man
with a Gun-ship-Helicopter
assassinated, this morning ,
a man in a Wheel-Chair
coming back from his prayers

A very
symbolic picture
of the

Probably ,
the way to hell
is in a Helicopter…
and the way to Heaven
is in a Wheel Chair.

I shall not weep !!
I raise my head up high
and I shall stand tall….
Sheikh Ahmed Yassin
is joining, today
Jesus of Nazareth
the other

Ja, schon Jesus war ein Palästinenser, und würde er heute leben, könnte ihn nichts davon abhalten, der “Al Awda The Palestinian Right to Return Coalition” beizutreten (, unter deren Dach auch Raja Chemayel logiert: Reply to: .(Javascript muss aktiviert sein, um diese E-Mail-Adresse zu sehen). Was Al Awda will und wer bei Al Awda mitmacht, steht hier: Beachten Sie bitte die “Guiding Principles” am Ende der Seite:
The Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and return are inalienable and nonnegotiable. Ending Zionist occupation of Palestine and implementing the right of all Palestinian refugees to return to their original towns and villages everywhere in historic Palestine are prerequisites (or fundamental/essential) to a lasting peace… The Palestinian Right of Return is a national, collective and individual right, which is not subject to any form of negation or compromise… 

Man kann Al Awda vieles vorwerfen, nur nicht einen Mangel an Klarheit. Von wegen Anerkennung Israels und Zwei-Staaten-Lösung. Und nun wirds lustig. Raja Chemayel veröffentlicht seine Gedichte auf arabworldbooks, es ist eine kleine und überschaubare Welt, weil gerade 300 Titel pro Jahr ins Arabische übersetzt werden. Aber die Homepage der Arab World Books hats in sich: Wenn Sie etwa bis zur Mitte scrollen, finden Sie das hier:

Gaza Holocaust
Good Morning, Hamas Uri Avnery
Warsaw Ghetto and Gaza: Disturbing Parallels Steve Hutcheson
Jews and the Gaza Holocaust Khalid Amayreh

Weniger als Holocaust darf es nicht sein, sonst macht die Sache keinen Spaß. Und wo vom palästinensischen Holocaust phantasiert wird, da ist auch Uri Avneri nicht weit.
Another Frustrated Arab with a Diary.


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