Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

04.06.2008   13:48   +Feedback

Therapeutisches Kuscheln

Islamic extremists could escape prosecution and instead receive therapy and counselling under new Government plans to “deradicalise” religious fanatics. The central element of the Home Office plan is a new national “deradicalisation” programme that would persuade converts to violent and extremist causes to change their views.
Controversially, the new plan makes clear that people who fall under the influence of violent organisations will not automatically face prosecution.
Instead, the presumption should be that some such individuals would face therapy and counselling from community groups instead of criminal charges.
Documents being distributed to local councils explain that many people who get drawn into extremism have often suffered some sort of personal trauma or crisis that makes them vulnerable to exploitation.

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