Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

21.07.2008   14:35   +Feedback

Jetzt sind die Briten vollkommen durchgeknallt!

Last night Mr Green, a television cameraman, said he was appalled that the legal system’s first priority seemed not to be stopping frightening anti-social behaviour by aggressive youths, but protecting them from being photographed by the concerned public. Mr Green, a father-of-two, lives with his programme-maker wife Judy in a penthouse flat close to Waterloo station. He said: “We’ve had problems with this group shouting abuse and throwing stones for months, and were asked to identify them.
When I went to take photographs of eight of them throwing cans of Coke around, six of them ran away, one threatened to kill me, and another one started phoning the police. A couple of hours later, a Police Community Support Officer told me I had been accused of assault, though no such thing occurred, and told me I was not allowed to take photographs of teenagers on the street. I think it’s wrong that when teenagers are running riot and the police are called, it’s about me, and I’m treated like a criminal.”

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