Sie haben das Recht zu schweigen. Henryk M. Broders Sparring-Arena

Henryk M. Broder

17.03.2009   02:26   +Feedback

The Decline of the British Empire 1

Britische Soldaten kehren aus dem Irak zurück und werden von moslemischen Demonstranten als Mörder begrüßt. Und wie reagieren die Briten? Entgegenkommend. Der Wortführer wird ins Fernsehen eingeladen und erklärt, seine Aufgabe sei es, für die Verbreitung des Islam zu sorgen. “I am as British as anyone else.”

Melanie Phillips:
When the returning troops of the 2nd Battalion, the Royal Anglian Regiment paraded through Luton they had to run the gauntlet of Muslim protesters waving placards saying: ‘Anglian soldiers: Butchers of Basra,’ and ‘Anglian soldiers: cowards, killers, extremists.’

Britons who hate Britain;
Multi-culturalism also, presumably, means allowing a group of young men the freedom to hand out inflammatory leaflets in the street - entitled ‘Return of the Khilafah’ - just 24 hours after they had launched that ugly protest against the Anglian Regiment returning home from Iraq.

They were brought up and educated in England but, although many live on benefits, they admit their loyalty is not to this country but to Islam. They want the UK to be an Islamic state, with sharia law and women in burkas.

The beauty and the beast:
(Wenn Sie diesen Clip gesehen haben, wissen Sie, warum der Westen schon verloren hat.)

Und hier ein Kommentar von Pat Condell: Good bye!


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